
عبارات مقترحة:


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Ramadan Reminder Day 17 - Humility & sincerity in Salaah (Khushoo)

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Abu Ammar Yaser Qady ، Muhammad Abdurraouf
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع مرئي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات فضائل العبادات
In this Day 17 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained how a person can keep Khushoo in their Salaah, the first commandment is to worship Allah, the second commandment is to pray, the importance of establishing 5 times prayers, its benefits and the great reward will be given to those who perform it.