authors of the four Sunan (أصحاب السُّنَن الأَرْبَعَة)

authors of the four Sunan (أصحاب السُّنَن الأَرْبَعَة)


التعريف :

The hadith scholars who classified the four Sunan anthologies. They are: Imam Abu Dāwūd al-Sijistānī (died 275 AH 889 CE), Imam Abu ꜤĪsā al-Tirmidhī (died 279 AH 893 CE), Imam Abu ꜤAbd al-Raḥmān al-Nasāʾī (died 303 AH 916 CE) and Imam Ibn Mājah al-Quzwīnī (died 273 AH 887 CE).