
عبارات مقترحة:


البِرُّ في اللغة معناه الإحسان، و(البَرُّ) صفةٌ منه، وهو اسمٌ من...


كلمة (الحَكَم) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فَعَل) كـ (بَطَل) وهي من...


كلمة العليّ في اللغة هي صفة مشبهة من العلوّ، والصفة المشبهة تدل...

Verses of cure
(آيَاتُ الشِّفَاء)

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية


Six verses that include the word ‘cure’ or its derivatives. Some people use them when supplicating for recovery from illness. These are “...And satisfy the breasts of a believing people” (9: 14); “..There has to come to you instruction from your lord and healing..” (10: 57); “And we send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers...” (17: 82); “..Say, "it is, for those who believe, a guidance and cure..” (41: 44); “And when I am ill, it is he who cures me” (26: 80) and “..In which there is healing for people..” (16: 69).