the five Imams (الأَئِمَّة الخَمْسَة)

the five Imams (الأَئِمَّة الخَمْسَة)


التعريف :

The compilers of the five anthologies. They are: Imam Muhammad ibn IsmāꜤīl al-Bukhari (died 256 AH 870 CE), Imam Muslim ibn al-ḥajjāj al-Naysābūrī (died 261 AH 875 CE), Imam Abu Dāwūd Sulaymān ibn al-AshꜤath al-Sijistānī (died 275 AH 889 CE), Imam Muhammad ibn ꜤĪsā al-Tirmidhī (died 279 AH 893 CE), Imam Ahmad ibn ShuꜤayb al-Nasāʾī (died 303 AH 916 CE).