correction (التَّصْحِيْح)

correction (التَّصْحِيْح)

الحديث أصول الفقه

التعريف :

To remove any errors or flaws in the matter in question.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

When a Hadith scholar judges a Hadith to be authentic for fulfilling the conditions of authenticity according to his personal reasoning.

الشرح المختصر :

"Tas'heeh" (authentication) is a type of judgment on Hadith. It indicates that a Hadith is authentic because it meets the conditions of authenticity, including the continuity of the chain of narrators, the uprightness of narrators, their accuracy, and the freedom of Hadith from "shudhoodh" (irregularity) and "`illah" (hidden defects). "Tas'heeh" has two categories: 1. "Tas'heeh" of the text and the chain of narrators. The Hadith is thus called "sahih". 2. "Tas'heeh" of the chain of narration, apart from the text. The Hadith is thus called "sahih al-isnaad'' (authentic chain of narration).

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

''Tas'heeh'': rectifying. It is derived from "sihhah", which means integrity and freedom of defects. Other meanings: verification, confirmation, affirmation.