كلمة (الشافي) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الشفاء، وهو البرء من السقم،...
Claiming to know the unseen and the future.
"‘Irāfah" (divination) is the profession of the "‘arrāf"; i.e. the soothsayer and diviner, who claims to know the unseen and the future. It could be one who claims to know the unseen by intuition, guessing, and assumptions, or by drawing lines in the sand, or by palm reading and coffee cup reading, or by reaching conclusions based on observing their premises, such as identifying a thief, the place of a lost item, etc.
"‘Irāfah": the profession of the fortune-teller, soothsayer, or astrologer who claim to know the unseen and the future.
Using soothsaying, sorcery or the like to predict the future and to tell of what happened in the past, such as knowing where a lost or stolen article is to be found.