
عبارات مقترحة:


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Islam and the Media

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Khalid Yaaseen ، Muhammad Abdurraouf
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع مرئي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات الإعلام والصحافة
One needs only to look at today’s media in general to witness the outrageously offensive things being broadcast. From television, magazines, newspapers, radio stations, to billboards the kind of disgusting material exposed to our young is horrific. Violence, drugs, sex & the media have no shame in making it public. This highlights the importance of the Muslim community to set up their own media platform. Shaykh Khalid Yasin gives details of the upcoming establishment of television and radio stations owned by Muslims in the near future Inshallah.