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Christian Scholars Recognize Contradictions in the Bible

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Mash’al ibn Abdullah
القسم مقالات
النوع نصي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات النصرانية - الملل والأديان
1- A look at what some of the leading Christian Scholars have said about the authenticity of the Bible 2- Some examples of the interpolations in the Bible, as mentioned by Christian scholars. 3-Evidence of contradictions found by Christian Scholars from the narrations of the alleged authors of the New Testament. 4- Christian scriptures "corrected" by Orthodox Christians. 5-Some newer translations to the Bible are now beginning to mention the contradictions and the doubtfulness of the passages. 6-More examples of tampering with the Bible. 7- Role of the Church in hiding and tampering with the truth.