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Lessons for Young Children

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع صوتي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات شؤون الطفل - تربية الأولاد - مكتبة الطفل المسلم
In these lectures, Dr. Saleh As-Saleh talks about some lessons which we should teach to our children. Before he shows these lessons, he stresses that we are responsible for keeping our children away from the Hell in the hereafter. Afterward, he explains how to teach monotheism to our children. He also relates some events from our Prophet’s biography. Finally, he gives a lecture on prayer for beginners.



01- Tawheed for Children - 4 to 7 y.o. - Saleh As-Saleh - 14:30
02- Tawheed for Children - 4 to 7 y.o. - Saleh As-Saleh - 6:33
03- Tawheed for Children - part 1 - Before Hijrah - 4 to 7 y.o. - Saleh As-Saleh - 57:08
04- Tawheed for Children - part 2 - After Hijrah - 4 to 7 y.o. - Saleh As-Saleh - 36:06
05- Tawheed for Children - Level Two - Saleh As-Saleh - 40:54
06- Review of Tawheed - Saleh As-Saleh - 9:35
07- Living Tawheed - Salaah for Beginners - Saleh As-Saleh - 33:34