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The New Muslim Guide

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Fahd Salem Bahammam ، Muhammad Abdurraouf
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع صوتي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات الفقه الإسلامي - أحكام المسلم الجديد
This is a gift for all the new Muslims who currently know the right path to Allah. This is a means to strength and preserve their belief. In these audios Sheikh Fahd Salem Bahammam shows the fruits of becoming a Muslim, the excellent features of Islam and all aspects of Islam. Sheikh Fahd illustrates the pillars of faith on which one’s belief is based and the pillars of Islam which contain the best practical deeds (e.g. prayer) and the best deeds of the heart i.e. the monotheism. As Islam is a social religion, Sheikh explains the Muslim’s behavior towards all individuals in the society, old or young, whether they embrace Islam or not. Afterwards he puts up some notice about both of the permissible and prohibited financial dealings. He also mentions the factors which increase the one’s belief and help the Muslim to abide by Allah’s commands. He refers to the obstacles (e.g. lust, misconception and ignorance) in the path of the Muslims prevent him from continuing his way to Allah. He also shows the prerequisites of the sincere repentance which is between the person and his God without a mediator. Finally, he gives a word for the new Muslim.



Associating Partners with Allah in Worship
Position and Virtues of Salaat in Islam
The Travellers Prayer
The Five Necessities
The Five Islamic Rulings
The Meaning of worship
Belief in the Last Day
Islam is a Universal Religion
How to Find out about the Rulings of Islam
Belief in the Messengers
Title page
The Testimony that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger
Virtues of the Month of Ramadaan
Belief in Allahs Names and Attributes
The Meaning of Purification
Belief in the Divine Decree
The Prayer of the Sick
Islam is a Moderate Religion
Your Purification - Contents
No Intermediaries between God and Man
Hunting According to Islamic Law
The Friday Prayer - Manner and Rulings
The Five Obligatory Prayers and Their Times
Your Food and Drink - Contents
Intoxicants and Alcoholic Beverages
What is the Required Purification for Performing the Prayer
-Part One - Your Faith-
The Greatest Blessing Ever
Belief in the Angels
The Minor Ritual Impurity and Wudoo
The Six Pillars of Faith
Types of Meat Served in Restaurants and Shops
Those Who Are Exempt
It Has Numerous Virtues
How to Remove the Major Ritual Impurity
Islam Is a Religion of Life
The Place of Prayer
The Etiquette of Eating and Drinking
Voluntary Fasting
Criteria That Must Be Met
Clothing - Contents
Manner of Performing the Partial Ablution
The Pillars and the Obligatory Acts of the Prayer
Virtues of Fasting
For Whom is it Obligatory
Belief in the Divine Books
What should a person who does not know do
Learning Islamic Rulings
Soorat Al-Faatihah explained
Wiping Over the Socks
The Wisdom of Fasting
Chapter Ten - Your Family
Can a career be an excuse
Your Food and Drink
The Festival of Fast Breaking
Purification from Physical Impurity
Recipients of Zakaat
Fasting Ramadaan
Clothing from an Islamic Perspective
The Major Ritual Impurity and the Full Ablution
Toilet Etiquette
Plants and Fruits
The Two Prostrations of Forgetfulness
Your Prayer - Contents
Things Which Break the Fast
What to do if One is Unable to Use Water
The Position of Women in Islam
The Prayer
How to Pray-02
Land Animals
Marriage in Islam
The Position of the Family in Islam
The Husbands Rights
Zakaat - Contents
What are the conditions that must be met
Your Pilgrimage - Contents
The Ability to Perfom Hajj
Acts Which Invalidate The Prayer
No Place for a Struggle Between Sexes
The General Rule Regarding Clothing
A Woman Needs a Mahram
The Spouses Rights and Obligations
Parents Rights
Performing the Prayer
Ritual Impurity
The Ultimate Objectives of Zakaat
Some War Ethics in Islam
Visting Madeenah
How to Pray
The Festival of Sacrifice
Times It Is Not Permissible for Supererogatory Prayers
Responding to the Adhaan
Those Who Are Exempt from Fasting
Types of Gambling
Islamic Slaughter
Humility and Attentiveness in Prayer
Benevolence and Generosity
The Ultimate Goals of Hajj
Injustice and Wrongfully Taking Others’ Property
Categories of Women in Relation to a Man
Childrens Rights
Some Aspects of the Prophets Life and Morals
Sincere Repentance
The Islamic Ruling on Ribaa
Acts Which Are Disliked During the Prayer
Forbidden Types of Clothing
The Meaning of Hajj
Examples of Business Ethics
The Wifes Rights
Virtues of Hajj
Means of Observing Khushoo in Prayer
Your New Life - Contents
Types of Wealth Upon Which Zakaat is Due
The Congregational Prayer
How to Pray - the second Rak’ah
The Friday Prayer
Your Moral Character - Contents
Punishment for Ribaa
Is it Recommended to Change Ones Name
Distinguishing Features of Noble Character
Inviting Family and Relatives to Islam
The Recommended Voluntary Prayers
Rules Governing the Relationship Between a Man and Women
Sweetness of Faith
Your Financial Transactions
The Call to Prayer
Childrens Religion
Detrimental Effects of Gambling
Detrimental Effects of Ribaa
All Types of Transactions are Generally Allowed
The Manner of Reciting the Adhaan and the Iqaamah
The Five Pillars of Islam
Islam Must Be Judged by its Sublime Principles
What is the ruling
Calling Others to Islam
Showing Greatness to Allah for His Guidance
Requirements of the Correct Manner of Inviting to Islam
Testimony of Faith - Meaning and Requirements
Usury - Ribaa
How to Convert to Islam
Islam Covers All Aspects of Life
The Purpose of Human Existence
Virtues of Friday
Deception through Ignorance and Uncertainty
Who Must Perform the Friday Prayer