
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (المُبِين) في اللغة اسمُ فاعل من الفعل (أبان)، ومعناه:...


كلمة (الصمد) في اللغة صفة من الفعل (صَمَدَ يصمُدُ) والمصدر منها:...


اسمُ (الأكرم) على وزن (أفعل)، مِن الكَرَم، وهو اسمٌ من أسماء الله...

Abu ‘Azzah al-Hudhali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "When Allah intends to take a slave in a (particular) land, He gives him a reason to go there."

شرح الحديث :

When Allah, the Exalted, intends for one of His slaves to die in a particular land other than the one he is in, He gives him a reason to go there. So when he goes to fulfill his need in that land, Allah, the Exalted, takes his soul. Anything Allah, Glorified and Exalted, decreed and wrote must happen exactly as He decreed it. This is a part of believing in the Divine Decree and Preordainment.

ترجمة هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية