Sale to the unaware of the price (بَيْعُ المُسْتَرسِلِ)

Sale to the unaware of the price (بَيْعُ المُسْتَرسِلِ)

أصول الفقه

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Sale involving a person who is ignorant of the value of the commodity and cannot haggle over the price.

الشرح المختصر :

"Bay‘ al-mustarsil" (sale to the unaware of the price) is a transaction involving a person who is unaware of the value of the commodity or who is incapable of negotiating and bargaining over the price. The "mustarsil" is a person who willingly succumbs to the seller and accepts what he gives him without dispute. He is also the one who, out of his lack of knowledge, trusts the seller.