Washing the deceased (تَغْسِيلُ المَيِّتِ)

Washing the deceased (تَغْسِيلُ المَيِّتِ)

أصول الفقه

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Washing the entire body of the deceased with water according to the Sunnah.

الشرح المختصر :

"Taghseel al-mayyit" (washing the deceased) is done by placing the dead person on a bed or a board with his head slightly upwards to allow the water to flow down. The one in charge of washing the dead person must first remove the impurities and then wash the body parts of the ablution like it is normally performed for prayer. He should not put any water into his mouth or nose, and if they are not clean, he should clean them with a wet piece of cloth put on his finger and wipe the teeth and the nose therewith. After the ablution, the dead person should be placed on his left side until his right side is washed and then turned on his right side to wash his left side. That should be done after washing his head and beard thrice. It is obligatory to wash the dead body once; however, it is recommended to wash him thrice, each time with water and "sidr" (ground lotus leaves) or any kind of soap. The last time, camphor is to be added, or any other scent, if possible. If one sees that the dead person needs to be washed more than thrice, due to not being clean yet or for any other reason, then he may wash him five or seven times, and it is recommended to wash him an odd number of times.