Destruction (ثبور)

Destruction (ثبور)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Incessant destruction that brings about pain and regret for the individual.

الشرح المختصر :

"Thuboor" (destruction) is destruction and bad condition. It is a word uttered by the one who experiences misery and sadness to show his regret and pain. The cry of "thuboor" is a cry for destruction invoked by the one tortured and suffering when he prefers destruction to undergoing continuous torture. People invoking the cry of "thuboor" include the disbelievers when, on the Day of Judgment, they are thrown in a narrow place in Hell bound in chains. They will cry out for a sort of destruction that may save them from the torment of the surrounding Fire.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Thuboor": destruction and devastation. Opposite: "fawz" (success), "najāt" (salvation). Derived from "thabr", which means withholding and prevention.