Al-Mahdiyyah (A Shiite deviant sect) (مهدية)

Al-Mahdiyyah (A Shiite deviant sect) (مهدية)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Followers of Muhammad ibn Abdullah As-Sudani, who was called Al-Mahdi. He passed away in 1302 Hijri. He claimed that he was infallible and that he was the awaited “Mahdi”.

الشرح المختصر :

“Al-Mahdiyyah” (A Shiite deviant sect) was a revolutionary group that appeared in the Arab and Islamic world at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. They are not to be confused with the Indian Mahdiyyah group. This group was both religious and political and adopted many blasphemous religious and intellectual ideas. The Mahdiyyah group was influenced by the Shia, who claimed that the infallible “Mahdi” would fill the world with justice after it had been filled with injustice and oppression. They also focused on the lineage of the “Mahdi” and on the notion that he had to be the descendant of Al-Hasan ibn Ali. He declared those who opposed him or doubted his claim of him being Al-Mahdi to be non-believers. He professed that the time before him was the “Jāhiliyyah” (Period of Ignorance). He claimed that the different schools of thought and Sufi paths were all but small rivers that flowed into his great ocean of knowledge.