factual statement (الْإِنْشَاء)

factual statement (الْإِنْشَاء)

أصول الفقه العقيدة

التعريف :

This is the opposite of an informative statement. It is a statement that does not allow confirmation or denial. If it refers to a request to do something, it is called an order, and if it requests abstention, it is called a prohibition. If it is a request to understand it is called a question, and it may be only a statement to alert the addressee to something. It includes wishing, appeal, oath and calls.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Originating something after no previous model.

الشرح المختصر :

''Inshaa''': originating one condition after another, following no previous model; brining something into existence after it had not existed. This origination is either caused or not.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

''Inshaa''': brining into existence, starting, originating.