
عبارات مقترحة:


(الحمد) في اللغة هو الثناء، والفرقُ بينه وبين (الشكر): أن (الحمد)...


كلمةُ (الحَفِيِّ) في اللغة هي صفةٌ من الحفاوة، وهي الاهتمامُ...


هذا تعريف باسم الله (الرحمن)، وفيه معناه في اللغة والاصطلاح،...

Layman’s ijtihad
(اجْتِهَادُ الْعَامِيّ)

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية


A layman exerts his best efforts to identify the most knowledgeable and pious of scholars qualified to undertake ijtihad so as to follow such a scholar when scholars have different views. According to some scholars, this is a duty because a layman is able to do it, while other scholars disapprove of it because a layman is unable to know who is more knowledgeable and more pious, except by following someone else.