
عبارات مقترحة:


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Tashīl or easing off

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية


To pronounce the glottal stop somewhat eased off, so as to sound in between the realised glottal stop and the long vowel corresponding to its short vowel. Thus, the glottal stop followed by the short vowel ‘a’ sounds in between a fully realised glottal stop and the long ‘ā’. If it is followed by the short vowel ‘i’, it sounds in between a glottal stop and the long ‘ī’, and if it is followed by the short vowel ‘u’, it sounds in between a glottal stop and the long ‘ū’. This can only be learnt face-to-face. To give an example, this happens in the case of the second glottal stop in: ʾaʾandhartahum (2: 6).