كلمة (المحيط) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل أحاطَ ومضارعه يُحيط،...
Devoting all acts of worship, inwardly and outwardly, to Allah alone in terms of statements, deeds, and beliefs, and denying to worship anyone other than Allah.
"Tawheed al-uloohiyyah" (oneness of divinity/oneness of worship) is the foundation of the religion and the basis of the message of the prophets of Allah, peace be upon them. It is also called "Tawheed al-‘ibādah" (oneness of worship), and "Tawheed al-qasd wa at-talab" (oneness of seeking and requesting). In relation to Allah, it is called oneness of divinity, and in relation to the worshiper, it is called oneness of worship and oneness of seeking and requesting. "Tawheed al-uloohiyyah" means the servants' dedicating their deeds to Allah, the Almighty; deeds which He legislated for them to worship Him therewith, like supplication, slaughtering sacrificial animals, vowing, seeking help and relief, and other types of worship. This is because none is worthy of worship but Allah. It is based on sincerely devoting all deeds to Allah alone, whether such deeds are deeds of the heart or the organs. This specific kind of "Tawheed" (monotheism) is the subject matter of all the messengers' messages.
Assertion of God’s oneness by people’s actions, which means addressing all worship done in public and private to him alone. This is also called tawḥīd al-Ꜥibādah.