stupidity (الْحُمْقُ)

stupidity (الْحُمْقُ)

الفقه أصول الفقه التربية والسلوك

التعريف :

Mental weakness which leads to poor judgement of things, as one does not consider things properly and does not give due attention to the consequences of one’s action.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Lack of reason that drives one to do what would harm him despite knowing of its bad consequences.

الشرح المختصر :

"Humq" (stupidity) is a bad attribute that must be avoided. It is the opposite of "`aql" (reason). "`Aql" is called so because it prevents one from getting involved in foolishness, ignorance, ill talks and evil deeds. Signs of a stupid person are: ignorance, haste, conceit, levity, impulsive responses, lack of verification, talking ill of good people, mixing with bad people, and so on.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Humq": lack or deficiency of intellect. Opposite: "fitnah" (sagacity), "`aql" (intellect), "hikmah" (wisdom). Original meaning: deficiency, scarcity. Other meanings: corrupt or confused judgement.