absolute necessity (الضَّرُورَةُ)

absolute necessity (الضَّرُورَةُ)

أصول الفقه الفقه الثقافة والدعوة

التعريف :

That a person reaches a situation that he will die or be close to death unless he eats what is forbidden.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Serious need that drives one to violate a “shar`i” ruling.

الشرح المختصر :

“Daroorah” (necessity) is an urgent situation that prompts a person to violate a “shar`i” ruling, as he strongly believes that he will be ruined or greatly harmed unless he breaks this “shar`i” command or prohibition. An example is extreme hunger that is feared to cause death. Such exceptional violation is rooted in the need to preserve five things: one's religion, life, property, honor, and intellect. The following conditions should be fulfilled, however: 1. There is a severe harm which is certain or highly likely to occur. 2. There are no permissible means whereby this harm can be averted. 3. The “daroorah” is assessed properly and proportionately in terms of time and amount.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

“Daroorah”: urgent need, necessity. It is derived from “darar”, which means straits and restriction. Opposite: “naf`” (benefit), “sa`ah” (spaciousness). Other meanings: hardship, severity, poverty.