البِرُّ في اللغة معناه الإحسان، و(البَرُّ) صفةٌ منه، وهو اسمٌ من...
Putting something in other than its place.
Zhulm (injustice) is improper placement of matters. Ahl-us-Sunnah said, as they defined the injustice above which Allah has exalted Himself: Allah Almighty is the Just Judge Who puts matters in their proper places that best suit them. He does not consider as different two identical matters, nor does He consider as equal two different matters. Hence, the injustice which Allah has forbidden for Himself, and exlated Himself above it in terms of Action and Will is that which is explained by the earlier generations and leading scholars of the Muslim nation: That He does not hold someone responsible for the sins of another, nor punish him for something he did not do, or diminish something of his good deeds. It is that type of injustice that Allah dismisses its fear away from His slaves as He said: {But he who does of righteous deeds while he is a believer - he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation.} [Surat Tāha: 112] Exegetists said: It means that a slave should not fear that another person's sins would be loaded upon him, or that his good deeds would be diminished. It is also said that he should not fear that he would be punished for something he did not do. Despite the fact that acting unjustly is something within Allah Almighty's Ability, yet he has exalted Himself above it and made it forbidden for Himself. This fact is suppored by multiple proofs, the most famous of which is the Hadith reported by Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, that reads: "O My slaves! I have made injustice forbidden for Myself, and made it forbidden for you. So, do not do injustice to one another." There are three categories of "zhulm": 1. Between a person and Allah the Almighty, the worst type of which is disbelief (kufr), polytheism (shirk), and hypocrisy (nifaaq). 2. Between a person and other people, such as harming one's neighbor and the like. 3. Between a person and himself, such as committing sins, refraining from learning beneficial knowledge, and rejecting the truth.
"Zhulm": oppression, exceeding the limits. Original meaning: putting something in other than its place. Other meanings: infringement, injustice.
To move away from justice.