the ꜤAbdullāhs of narrators (العَبَادِلَة مِن الرُّواة)

the ꜤAbdullāhs of narrators (العَبَادِلَة مِن الرُّواة)


التعريف :

Four who narrate from ꜤAbdullāh ibn LahīꜤah, all named ꜤAbdullāh. They are: ꜤAbdullāh ibn al-Mubārak (died 181 AH 798 CE), ꜤAbdullāh ibn Wahb (died 198 AH, 814 CE), ꜤAbdullāh ibn Yazīd al-Muqriʾ (died 213 AH 829 CE) and ꜤAbdullāh ibn Maslamah al-QaꜤnabī (died 221 AH 836 CE)..