al-Kaynūwiyyah (الْكَيْنُوِيَّة)

al-Kaynūwiyyah (الْكَيْنُوِيَّة)


التعريف :

A Zoroastrian sect believing in reincarnation. They claim that there are three origins: fire, the earth and water, and that all existing things come from these three. Whatever good found in this world comes from the fire, while evil comes from water, and the earth is in the middle. They venerate the fire, claiming that it is gentle, light giving and comes from on high. Nothing exists without it and nothing survives without its gifts. They have several branches.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

"Al-Kaynawiyyah "is a sect of a dualist religion which believes that existence is originally comprised of three elements: fire, earth, and water.

الشرح المختصر :

"Al-Kaynawiyyah" is a dualist group that believes in the existence of two gods: a god of good, and a god of evil. Other beliefs: 1. Saying that existence is originally comprised of three elements: fire, earth, and water. Beings (creatures) came into existence from these elements without the two elements affirmed by dualists. 2. They claim that fire is good and luminous and that water is of an opposite nature. So every good in the world is from fire, and every evil is from water. Earth is neutral.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Kaynawiyyah": it is derived from "kaa'in", which means existing. "Al-Kaynawiyyah" is an existential sect.