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Main talks from the JIMAS 10th International Dawah Conference

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Group of Scholars
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع صوتي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات المجلات والمؤتمرات العلمية
Contents : 1- Welcome and introduction - by Abu Muntasir. 2- Keynote speech: Being Like Prophet Muhammad is Society’s Only Hope - by Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick. 3- Proofs of the Prophethood of Muhammad - by Shaikh Shabir Ally 4- The Nature of Good and Evil - by Shaikh Jaafar Idris. 5- The Best Character was that of the Prophet - by Shaikh Muhammad al-Shareef. 6- Drawing Hope from the Preservation of the Sunnah - by Shaikh Sohaib Hasan. 7- Unity of Mankind on the Brotherhood of Islam - by Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick. 8- Priorities of Following the Way of Muhammad - by Shaikh Mamdouh Mohamed. 9- Prophetic Examples of Upholding Tawhid - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry. 10- The Experiences and Ultimate End of Those Who Followed and Opposed the Prophet - by Shaikh Anwar al-Awlaki. 11- Islam the Clear Hope - Promises of Allah for this World & the Hereafter - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry. 12- Conclusion & Parting Advice - by various speakers.



Welcome and introduction - by Abu Muntasir
Keynote speech: Being Like Prophet Muhammad is Society's Only Hope - by Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick
Proofs of the Prophethood of Muhammad - by Shaikh Shabir Ally
The Nature of Good and Evil - by Shaikh Jaafar Idris
The Best Character was that of the Prophet - by Shaikh Muhammad al-Shareef
Drawing Hope from the Preservation of the Sunnah - by Shaikh Sohaib Hasan
Unity of Mankind on the Brotherhood of Islam - by Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick
Priorities of Following the Way of Muhammad - by Shaikh Mamdouh Mohamed
Prophetic Examples of Upholding Tawhid - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry
The Experiences and Ultimate End of Those Who Followed and Opposed the Prophet - by Shaikh Anwar al-Awlaki
Islam the Clear Hope - Promises of Allah for this World & the Hereafter - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry
Conclusion & Parting Advice - by various speakers