
عبارات مقترحة:


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Hajj step by step - 09

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Muhammad Salah
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع مرئي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات صفة الحج
In this episode, Shaikh shows the rites of hajj on the 10th of Dhulhijjah, i.e. throwing the stones of the Major ‘Aqabah Pillar – which allows pilgrims to do the prohibited acts due to ihraam (e.g. shaving hair) with the exception of having intercourse – slaughtering, shaving or trimming hair, making tawaaf al-ifaadah and making sa’i between As-Safa and Al-Marwah – which allows pilgrims to do all the prohibited acts due to ihraam. Afterwards, the pilgrims come back to Mina to stay the three days of at-tashreeq, i.e. the 11st, 12nd and 13rd of Dhulhijjah to throw the stones of the three pillars (little, middle, and big).