
عبارات مقترحة:


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كلمة (الحَقِّ) في اللغة تعني: الشيءَ الموجود حقيقةً.و(الحَقُّ)...

Women’s Rights in Islam

الإنجليزية - English

القسم مقالات
النوع نصي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات نوازل الأحوال الشخصية وقضايا المرأة
The Rights Of The Woman In Islam is a valuable message to fortify the muslim woman against suspicions concerning her threatened rights in islam as they declared in addition to revealing tricks planned by them. Islam considers a woman to be equal to a man as a human being and as his partner in this life. Women have been created with a soul of the same nature as man’s.