
عبارات مقترحة:


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Why do we Study the Prophet’s Biography?

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Yahya Bin Ibrahim Al-Yahya ، Muhammad Abdurraouf
القسم كتب وأبحاث
النوع نصي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات السيرة النبوية - محتوى متنوع متعلق بنبي الإسلام
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) is the practical image of Islam. There is no way that one can get to know Islam without knowing Allah’s Messenger (PBUH); his guidance, work, instructions and prohibitions. The biography of the Prophet (PBUH) is not meant to be taught for the pleasure of reading nor for the knowledge of a certain historic period and not for the love of studying the biographies of the grand and heroes. Such kind of superficial study is performed by none Muslims. A Muslim should have various aims from studying his biography.