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Explication of Five Precious Prophetic Commandments

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Abdullah Abdul Ghani Al-Khayyat ، Osama Emara
القسم كتب وأبحاث
النوع نصي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات دواوين السنة
A speech delivered by Sh. Abdullah Khayyat in which he explains the Prophetic hadith, "Be away from the sins and you will be the most worshiper, accept your destiny and you will be the most satisfied one of the people, do good to your neighbor and you will be a believer, wish for the people what you wish for yourself and you will be a good Muslim, do not laugh too much because laughing too much will cause the death of the heart morally."


Explication of Five Precious Prophetic Commandments Explication of Five Precious Prophetic Commandments The Second Sermon  Explication of Five Precious Prophetic CommandmentsAbdullah Khayyat—™Revised by Osama Emara  Explication of Five Precious Prophetic Commandments     Praise be to Allah, Who is characterized with the qualities of perfection and exaltedness. Praise be to the All-Mighty, the Grandeur, the Supreme, and I testify that there is no truly worshiped God but Allah, and our master Mohammed is His servant and messenger of honorable characters and manners. O Lord! May Your prayers and blessings be upon Your servant and Prophet Mohammed, his family and his companions! And yet:          O servants of Allah! The sign for the preponderance of mind and enlightenment of opinion is to work according to the advice of advisers and to follow the path of the guides who will not be suspected for their advice, and who will not ask the people to pay them for guidance.          The best of the advisers and the master of guides and leaders is Mohammed Bin Abdullah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) whom Allah described in His Holy Book. He is the Most Truthful of Sayers, "Verily, there has com unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He is anxious over you; for the believers is full of pity, kind, and merciful." (At-Tawbah: 128)           Of the total of his guidance and advice to the nation are five valuable commandments. The compliance of these commandments will guarantee the welfare of the religion and life, the salvation in the life and in the Hereafter.          The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Be away from the sins and you will be the most worshiper, accept your destiny and you will be the most satisfied one of the people, do good to your neighbor and you will be a believer, wish for the people what you wish for yourself and you will be a good Muslim, do not laugh too much because laughing too much will cause the death of the heart morally."          The sins which the Messenger (peace be upon him) ordered the people to prevent are: Allah's rights which should be performed and not to be neglected and abandoned, such as prayers, zakah, fasting of Ramadan, pilgrimage, promotion of the virtues and prevention of the vice, and other required obligations imposed by Allah upon mankind.          The abandonment of these obligations is a sin that has to be prevented, also all which Allah has forbidden of great and small sins should be prevented.          The one who comply with Allah's orders and obligations, and abandon whatever is forbidden – he has prevented himself from what Allah has forbidden, and will be the best worshiper and one of Allah's saints whom He described by saying, "Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Those who believed and were fearing Allah." (Yunus: 62)           Accepting what is predetermined by Allah for you is an expression of contentment for Allah's destiny, being satisfied with His management and recognizing His justice. The wisdom of Allah foreordained that some people are rich and others are poor, so everyone should be contented with this fair portioning which was foreordained by the wisdom of Allah, the All-Knower, the All-Aware.          The richness is the self-richness; how many of rich man who is enormously enriched, in spite of this, he feels the insistent need to collect money, and how many poor men Allah provided him subsistence or part of subsistence, but he is happy with what Allah has provided him, satisfied with his portion. He is the richest of all the people, and as confirmation is the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying, "The richness is not about the abundance of money, but the richness is the self-richness."           Doing good to your neighbor in all the aspects of doing good is a legitimate right pictured by the Messenger of guidance in the clearest way, whereas he said, "Jibreel was advising me about my neighbor until I thought He would bequeath him."          If one cannot do goodness to his neighbor, it is enough to be away from hurting him, for doing good or being away from hurting him is the evidence of belief. Then he will be the best neighbor as in the hadith, "The best neighbor with Allah is the best one with his neighbor."           When someone consider others equal to him, whereas he likes for others what he likes for himself, this is the generous passion that impede the selfishness and keeps anyone far from the dispraised envy, and by which the person becomes a perfect Muslim, and the love of doing good is manifested in his spirit, ethics and behavior and the desire to diffuse it equally between people whether they are enemies or friends.          As to laughing too much exceeding the limits of laughter, it indicates the emptiness of heart because it was not busy with doing good deeds in which the welfare and reformation of the worshiper is available in his life and in the hereafter.              People whose hearts are empty of responsibilities (religious or worldly) are busy with joking, looking for all kind of funny stuff, desirous to exaggerate in laughter and willing to exceed the limits.          By such behavior, the heart will die morally because of inadvertency and turning away from contemplating. It suffices the Muslim as inhibition, the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him), "If you know what I know, you will laugh a little and cry much."           These, O servants of Allah, are the commandments of the best of advisers and Master of Messengers, our Master Mohammed Bin Abdullah (PBUH) who is the desirous one to guide the nation, and to lead them to their welfare and straightness.           Fear Allah, O servants of Allah, and act according to the guidance of these commandments and seek the welfare by following their path. The happier person is the one who makes himself comply with these commandments. Allah praised his servants in His Holy Book who listen to the words and follow the best of it. Allah said, "So announce the good news to my slaves – those who listen to the words and follow the best thereof. Those are whom Allah has guided and those are men of understanding." (Az-Zumar: 17, 18) May Allah make us benefit by the guidance of his Holy Book!          I say these words and I ask forgiveness for every sin, for me and for all the Muslims. So ask Allah the forgiveness, He is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.  The Second Sermon          Praise be to Allah, Who guides whom he wills to His straight way, and I testify that there is no truly worshiped God but Allah the only one, no associate with him, and I testify that our master Mohammed is his servant and messenger, the Arabian Prophet of the noble character and correct method. O Allah! May Your blessings be upon Your servant and messenger Mohammed, his family and companions! And yet,          O servants of Allah! The best of speech is Allah's Book (Holy Koran), the best of guidance is the guidance of Mohammed Bin Abdullah (Sunnah). O servants of Allah! Look for the guidance in their lights and seek the welfare by following their methods. He who seeks the salvation by following their illumination will indeed succeed.           O servants of Allah! Send your Salah (ask Allah to bless) to the guide and bringer of glad tidings, our master Mohammed, the most honorable messenger and the best warner. Indeed, Allah the Most Kind and Courteous, All-Aware ordered to do it.



Explication of Five Precious Prophetic Commandments
Explication of Five Precious Prophetic Commandments