
عبارات مقترحة:


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Twenty Facts about Allah (God) in Islam

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Osama Emara
القسم مقالات
النوع نصي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات الإيمان بالله
In this article, we present twenty facts about Allah (God) in Islam. It shows some aspects about Allah in Islam that some people have misconceptions about them. Some may consider these points as simple ones but they contain lots of answers to some non Muslims’ questions who are in much need to know about the truth.


Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God). The name Allah (God) in Islam never refers to Muhammad (pbuh), as many Christians may think; Allah is the personal name of God. What do Muslims believe about Allah? 1. He is the one God, Who has no partner. 2. Nothing is like Him. He is the Creator, not created, nor a part of His creation. 3. He is All-Powerful, absolutely Just. 4. There is no other entity in the entire universe worthy of worship besides Him. 5. He is First, Last, and Everlasting; He was when nothing was, and will be when nothing else remains. 6. He is the All-Knowing, and All-Merciful,the Supreme, the Sovereign. 7. It is only He Who is capable of granting life to anything. 8. He sent His Messengers (peace be upon them) to guide all of mankind. 9. He sent Muhammad (pbuh) as the last Prophet and Messenger for all mankind. 10. His book is the Holy Qur'an, the only authentic revealed book in the world that has been kept without change. 11. Allah knows what is in our hearts.