
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (الوكيل) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) بمعنى (مفعول) أي:...


أسماء الله الحسنى وصفاته أصل الإيمان، وهي نوع من أنواع التوحيد...


كلمة (شهيد) في اللغة صفة على وزن فعيل، وهى بمعنى (فاعل) أي: شاهد،...

Explanation of At-Tawheed Book

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz Al-Musa
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع صوتي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات متون العقيدة
This is an explanation of a book of a great benefit. It is called Book of At-Tawheed. It contains creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah based on the Quran’s and Sunnah’s texts. Its author shows monotheism, its virtues and its nullifiers. It is explained by Sh. Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz Al-Musa.



(1) Introduction
(2) Chapter 1 - At-Tawheed (A)
(3) Chapter 1 - At-Tawheed (B)
(4) Chapter 1 - At-Tawheed (C)
(5) Chapter 2 - Superiority of Tawheed (A)
(6) Chapter 2 - Superiority of Tawheed (B)
(7) Chapter 2 - Superiority of Tawheed (C)
(8) Chapter 3 - Purifying Tawheed
(9) Chapter 4 - Fear of Shirk (A)
(10) Chapter 4 - Fear of Shirk (B)
(11) Chapter 5 - Calling for La Ilaha Illa Allah
(12) Chapter 6 - Explanation of Tawheed (A)
(13) Chapter 6 - Explanation of Tawheed (B)
(14) Chapter 7 - To Wear a Ring or Twine
(15) Chapter 8 - Talismans and Amulets (A)
(16) Chapter 8 - Talismans and Amulets (B)
(17) Chapter 9 - Seeking blessings
(18) Chapter 10 - Slaughtering
(19) Chapter 11 - Place of Sacrifice
(20) Chapter 12 - Vow
(21) Chapter 13 - To Seek Refuge
(22) Chapter 14 - Seeking help (A)
(23) Chapter 14 - Seeking help (B)
(24) Chapter 15 - Worshipping Created One
(25) Chapter 16 - What Allah Said
(26) Chapter 17 - Intercession (A)
(27) Chapter 17 - Intercession (B)
(28) Chapter 18 - Hedayah
(29) Chapter 19 - Exaggeration (A)
(30) Chapter 19 - Exaggeration (B)
(31) Chapter 20 - Worshipping beside the Grave
(32) Chapter 21 - Graves to Become Idols
(33) Chapter 22 - Closing Ways to Shirk
(34) Chapter 23 - Some Will Fall in Shirk (A)
(35) Chapter 23 - Some Will Fall in Shirk (B)
(36) Chapter 24 - Magic (A)
(37) Chapter 24 - Magic (B)
(38) Chapter 25 - Some Kinds of Magic
(39) Chapter 26 - Soothsayers
(40) Chapter 27 - How to Cure
(41) Chapter 28 - Tatayyor and Omens (A)
(42) Chapter 28 - Tatayyor and Omens (B)
(43) Chapter 29 - Astrology (At-Tanjeem)
(44) Chapter 30 - Lunar Phases
(45) Chapter 31 - Love (A)
(46) Chapter 31 - Love (B)
(47) Chapter 32 - Fear (A)
(48) Chapter 32 - Fear (B)
(49) Chapter 33 - Tawakkul (Trust)
(50) Chapter 34 - Secure and Despair
(51) Chapter 35 - Patience (A)
(52) Chapter 35 - Patience (B)
(53) Chapter 36 - Showing off
(54) Chapter 37 - Good Deeds for Worldly Reason
(55) Chapter 38 - Obedience
(56) Chapter 39 - Seeking Judgement
(57) Chapter 40 - The Holy Names - Qualities
(58) Chapter 40 - Denying Names - Qualities
(59) Chapter 41 - Graces of Allah
(60) Chapter 42 - Set up Rivals to Allah
(61) Chapter 43 - Satisfy with the Oath
(62) Chapter 44 - To Say What Allah Will and You
(63) Chapter 45 - Cursing the Time
(64) Chapter 46, 47 - Forbidden Names
(65) Chapter 48 - Mocking
(66) Chapter 49 - Wealth Is by Who
(67) Chapter 50 - Names with Service
(68) Chapter 51 - To Call Allah by His Names
(69) Chapters 52, 53
(70) Chapter 54 - Slavery in Islam
(71) Chapters 55, 56
(72) Chapter 57 - On Saying If (Lau)
(73) Chapter 58 - Cursing the Wind
(74) Chapter 59 - Evil Thoughts
(75) Chapter 60 - Denying Al-Qadar
(76) Chapter 61 - Making pictures (Evidences)
(77) Chapter 61 - Picturing (B)
(78) Chapter 62 - Making Oath Frequently
(79) Chapter 63 - Covenant Fulfilment
(80) Chapter 64 - Swearing upon Allah
(81) Chapter 65 - Asking Intercession of Allah
(82) Chapter 66 - Safeguarding Tawheed
(83) Chapter 67 - Unjust Estimating Allah (A)
(84) Chapter 67 - Unjust Estimating Allah (B)
(85) Chapter 67 - Unjust Estimating Allah (C)