
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (الوهاب) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعّال) مشتق من الفعل...


هو اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى، يدل على صفة (الباطنيَّةِ)؛ أي إنه...


كلمة (القابض) في اللغة اسم فاعل من القَبْض، وهو أخذ الشيء، وهو ضد...

A guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languages

الإنجليزية - English

القسم كتب وأبحاث
النوع نصي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات تعريف الإسلام - روابط
A guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languages


دليل مواقع وروابط مختارة للتعريف بالإسلام بلغات العالمA guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languagesLinks for the Noble Qur'an meanings translations in the languages of the worldhttps://islamhouse.com/en/books/2829240/*********Selected books and Websites in English languagehttps://islamhouse.com/en/articles/2829196/*********Selected books and Websites in French languageLivres choisis en langue françaisehttps://islamhouse.com/fr/articles/2829197/*********Selected Books and websites in Portuguese languagelivros e sites selecionados em portuguêshttps://islamhouse.com/pt/articles/2829195/*********Selected Books and websites In Spanish languageSelección de sitios y libros en españolhttps://islamhouse.com/es/articles/2829199/*********Selected Books and websites In German languageEinige ausgesuchten Seiten und Bücher in deutscherhttps://islamhouse.com/de/articles/2829201/*********Selected Books and websites In Italian languageLibri selezionati in italianohttps://islamhouse.com/it/articles/2829200/*********Selected Books and websites In Turkish languageTürkçe Seçilmiş Kitaplarhttps://islamhouse.com/tr/articles/2829198/*********Selected Books and websites In Armenian languageԸնտրված գրքեր և կայքեր հայերենhttps://islamhouse.com/hy/articles/2829207/*********Selected Books and websites In Ukrainian languageВибрані книги та веб-сайти українською мовоюhttps://islamhouse.com/uk/articles/2829206/*********Selected Books and websites In Afri languagediini inxxigah Aaxigeh meqe baritto – Qafárhttps://islamhouse.com/aa/articles/2829203/*********Selected Books and websites In Korean한국어로 선정 된 책https://islamhouse.com/ko/articles/2829202/*********Selected Books and websites In Thai languageหนังสือที่ถูกคัดเลือกในภาษาไทยhttps://islamhouse.com/th/articles/2829215*********Selected Books and websites In The Hausa languageASSARAR MA' ANONIN AL-QUR' ANI MAI GIRMA DA WADANSU DARUSSA NA ADDINI MASU MAHIMMANCIhttps://islamhouse.com/ha/articles/2829247/*********Selected Books and websites In Indian languageभारतीय भाषा में चयनित पुस्तकें और वेबसाइट - हिन्दी भारतीय भाषा में चयनित पुस्तकें और वेबसाइट https://islamhouse.com/hi/articles/2829248/*********Selected Books and websites In the Russian languageИзбранные книги и сайты на русском языкеhttps://islamhouse.com/ru/articles/2829249/*********Selected Books and websites In Somali languageKA FAAIDAYSO TASIIRKA QURAANKA IYO MAADOOYIN KALE OO AFSOOMAALI AHhttps://islamhouse.com/so/articles/2829250*********Selected Books and websites In SwahiliVitabu vilivyochaguliwa na Wavuti kwa lugha ya Kiswahilihttps://islamhouse.com/sw/articles/2829251/*********Selected Books and websites In Chinese Language精选中文书籍和网站https://islamhouse.com/zh/articles/2829252/********



A guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languages
A guide of sites and links introducing Islam in the world languages