
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (خالق) في اللغة هي اسمُ فاعلٍ من (الخَلْقِ)، وهو يَرجِع إلى...


كلمة (الولي) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) من الفعل (وَلِيَ)،...


كلمة (الوراث) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل (وَرِثَ يَرِثُ)، وهو من...

Abu Kabshah ‘Amr ibn Sa‘d (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "I swear by Allah for three things which I am going to tell you about. Remember them well: The wealth of a man will not diminish by charity; Allah augments the honor of a man who endures an oppression patiently; and he who opens a gate of begging, Allah opens a gate of poverty (or he said a word similar to it). " He also said: "Remember well what I am going to tell you: The world is for four kinds of people. (1) One upon whom Allah has bestowed wealth and knowledge and so he fears his Lord in respect to them, maintains the ties of kinship, and acknowledges the rights of Allah on him; this type will have the best position. (2) One upon whom Allah has conferred knowledge but no wealth, and he is sincere in his intention and says: 'Had I possessed wealth, I would have acted like so-and-so.' He will be treated according to his intention, and his reward is the same as that of the other. (3) One whom Allah has given wealth but no knowledge and he squanders his wealth ignorantly, does not fear Allah in respect to it, does not discharge the obligations of kinship, and does not acknowledge the rights of Allah. Such a person will be in the worst position. (4) One upon whom Allah has bestowed neither wealth nor knowledge and he says: 'Had I possessed wealth, I would have acted like so-and-so (i.e. he would squander his wealth). ' He will be treated according to his intention, and both will have equal sin."

شرح الحديث :

The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) swore by Allah for three things and he told them something else after that. The three things are as follows: 1. The wealth of a man will not diminish by charity; that its blessings due to the charity. 2. Allah augments the honor of a man who endures an oppression patiently; that is oppression that involves some sort of humiliation; Allah the Almighty will honor him on account of such oppression and humiliate the oppressor. 3. and he who opens a gate of begging, not forced by some need or necessity, but to enrich himself, Allah opens a gate of another need or takes away the blessing he possesses. Then, he stated that there are four types of people: 1. One whom Allah gives wealth and knowledge, and he fears his Lord and spends the wealth in the proper way, acts upon his knowledge, and maintains ties of kinship. Such a person will be in the highest rank. 2. One whom Allah gives knowledge, but not wealth. With a sincere intention, he says: "Had I possessed wealth, I would have acted like so-and-so." He will be treated according to his intention, and his reward is the same as that of the other. 3. One whom Allah has given wealth but no knowledge and he squanders his wealth ignorantly, does not fear Allah in respect to it, does not discharge the obligations of kinship, and does not acknowledge the rights of Allah. Such a person will be in the worst position. 4. One upon whom Allah gives neither wealth nor knowledge and he says: "Had I possessed wealth, I would have acted like so-and-so." He will be treated according to his intention, and both will have equal sin.

ترجمة هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية