al-Naqshabandiyyah (النَّقْشَبَنْدِيَّة)

al-Naqshabandiyyah (النَّقْشَبَنْدِيَّة)


التعريف :

A Sufi sect attributed to Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Bukhārī who was nicknamed Shah Naqshaband (618-691 AH, 1221-1292 CE). It became popular in Persia, India and western Asia. They have many deviant ideas, such as their claim that God may be seen in this present life, and that hell will come to an end, and the belief in pantheism. Their shaykh, al-Sirhandī classifies them into three groups: 1) those who believe that the universe has an external existence as created by God; 2) those who say that the universe is the shadow of God; and 3) those who believe in pantheism.