Freemasonry (ماسونية)

Freemasonry (ماسونية)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A secret Jewish political organization that aims at spreading disbelief and corruption and combats religion and virtuous morals.

الشرح المختصر :

"Al-Māsooniyyah" (freemasonry): a secret worldwide organization founded by a man named Herod Agrippa (died 44 AD). He was the king of the Romans, and he founded that organization with the aid of two Jewish consultants. The movement used to be called "the secret power". After some centuries, it was called "Al-Māsooniyyah", and it used the syndicate of the free builders as a slogan to cover its activities. Then this name became associated with them. "Al-Māsooniyyah" conceals their entity behind deceptive slogans such as freedom, brotherhood, equality, and humanity. "Al-Māsooniyyah" strives to elevate the Jews and enable them to dominate the world. Many of the famous Jews are also famous and well known Freemasons. They have secret symbols and signs which they use in their communication. From the most remarkable beliefs and thoughts of "Al-Māsooniyyah": 1. Calling to atheism and disbelief in all religions except for Judaism. 2. Destroying principles and virtuous morals, as well as spreading immorality and ugly deeds, such as adultery, the consumption of alcohol, and the like. 3. Allowing illegal sexual relations, and using women as a tool to control the world. 4. Striving to destroy legitimate governments, to cancel national governmental regimes in different countries, and to have control over them. 5. Spreading chaos and confusion, and dividing the non-Jewish communities and lands into small sub-countries that are constantly fighting and at war. 6. Propagating false and untrue reports and information. 7. Adopting the call to separate the parents from the responsibility of raising their children, while urging Muslims to resort to voluntary childlessness and birth control.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Al-Māsooniyyah": taken from "mason", a non-Arabic word meaning the free builders.