كلمة (المتين) في اللغة صفة مشبهة باسم الفاعل على وزن (فعيل) وهو...
Display of belief in Allah and His angels; Books; Messengers; the Last Day; and destiny, the pleasant and unpleasant aspects thereof, by the tongue while concealing what contradicts all this or some of it within the heart.
"Nifaaq akbar i‘tiqaadi" (major creedal hypocrisy) is display of belief and concealment of disbelief. It is labeled as "i‘tiqaadi" because it hits the foundation of belief, and hence it drives one out of the fold of Islam and causes him to dwell in Hellfire eternally. Signs of major hypocrisy include denial of the Messenger, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, or some of what he came with; hating him; allying with the disbelievers and aiding them in their war against the Muslims; or feeling glad when Islam suffers decline or defeat and disliking to see it victorious. The difference between major and minor hypocrisy: 1. Major hypocrisy drives one out of the fold of Islam, unlike minor hypocrisy. 2. Major hypocrisy is inconsistency between a person’s inward and outward beliefs, whereas minor hypocrisy relates to actions, not beliefs. 3. Major hypocrisy may not be perpetrated by a Muslim, while he may engage in minor hypocrisy. 4. Typically, a person afflicted with major hypocrisy does not repent from it, and if he does, there is disagreement over whether his repentance should be accepted by the ruler, unlike minor hypocrisy.