كلمة (الرحيم) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من الرحمة على وزن (فعيل) وهي...
Changing a word from its known form to another.
"Tas'heef" (mispronunciation/misspelling) is altering or changing a word. This could occur in dotting, diacritical marks, or pronunciation. An example of this is when a man, while contracting marriage, says "tajawwaztu" so-and-so (I have been lenient with so-and-so) instead of saying"tazawwajtu" so-and-so (I have married her).
"Tas'heef": making a mistake in words by replacing a letter with another that resembles it or by changing a word in a way that changes the intended meaning.
The text is read differently from what its writer intended, or from what was agreed, such as reading the word khabar, as khayr. [In Arabic the difference between the written form of the two words is an additional dot in the second word.