dualisms (الثّنَويَّة)

dualisms (الثّنَويَّة)


التعريف :

The dualists are a faction of Zoroastrianism who believe in two deities: light and darkness. They believe in the permanence of light but differ as to the permanence of darkness.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A sect that believes that the world emerged from two origins: light and darkness.

الشرح المختصر :

"Thanawiyyah" is a sect from the Magi and their like who claim that the world emerged from two ancient everlasting origins: light and darkness. They are different in their essences and forms, and opposite in their actions and planning. Light, according to them, is the praiseworthy God of good, and darkness is the blameworthy God of evil. Their belief in dual divinity is a clearly corrupt belief that the sound natural disposition and mind reject, and it is not worthy of wasting time in refuting it.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Thanawiyyah": derived from "thany", which means joining one and one. Other meanings: making one thing into two, repeating something twice, bringing forth something after another that preceded it.