كلمة (الودود) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فَعول) من الودّ وهو...
Performing an act of worship for the sake of other than Allah the Almighty, such as doing it in order to achieve a high status in the sight of people and the like.
"Riyaa'" (Ostentation) showing an act of worship with the intention of making people see it so that they praise its doer. It is also defined as lack of sincerity in one's actions by doing them for the sake of other than Allah. Some scholars define it as: an act which is done solely to catch the creatures' eyes while being unobservant and unconscious of the Creator.
"Riyaa'": showing off, doing something to be seen by people.
To do things so that people would see. Thus, what is being done is for show and to earn praise. It is not meant for God’s sake.