كلمة (غفور) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فَعول) نحو: شَكور، رؤوف،...
Setting up equals to Allah from among the created beings in matters that are exclusive to Allah, the Almighty.
"Shirk" (polytheism/idolatry) is to set up equals to Allah, the Almighty, from among His created beings in matters that are exclusive to Him, like worship (by worshiping other than Him), or matters related to His names and attributes (ascribing them to other than Him). "Shirk" is of two types: 1. "Shirk" related to Allah's essence, names, attributes, and actions. This is called "shirk rububiyyah" (associating others with Allah in lordship). 2. "Shirk" in worshiping Allah and the manner in which a slave deals with Him. This is called "shirk ‘ibadah wa uluhiyyah" (associating others with Allah in worship and divinity).
"Shirk": share. Other meanings: "mushaarakah"; i.e. sharing or partnering, joining, and associating (with someone). In Islamic contexts, it refers to disbelief and to sharing something with others.
That a created being is worshipped as God is worshipped, or glorified as God is glorified, or that some of the attributes of lordship or Godhead are given to a created being.