the greater probability (غَلَبَة الظَّن)

the greater probability (غَلَبَة الظَّن)

الحديث أصول الفقه

التعريف :

»» ghālib al-ẓann

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

The absolute preponderance of one side over the other in such a way that the other side is totally discarded.

الشرح المختصر :

"Ghalabat-uzh-zhann" (predominance of assumption): The rulings of Islamic Law are based on what is apparent. Reaching a state of certainty is not possible in many cases; therefore, it is permissible under the Shariah to depend upon "zhann" (assumption) and give it weight in matters of ijtihad, in doing deeds, and in accepting rulings based on it. "Zhann" is to regard two things as possible, one of them being more likely than the other. "Zhann" may be of various degrees. It could increase in degree so that some "zhann" may be stronger than the other. It could also reach a higher degree by virtue of the abundance of proofs and indications, in which case it is called the overwhelming "zhann", wherein one aspect of a given issue is given preponderance over the other in such a strong and extensive degree that is close to certainty.