arrogant disbelief (كُفْرُ الإِبَاءِ وَالاسْتِكْبَارِ)

arrogant disbelief (كُفْرُ الإِبَاءِ وَالاسْتِكْبَارِ)


التعريف :

The case of a person who knows that the prophet was truthful and that his message is the message of the truth given by God, but does not submit to that out of arrogance.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Abandoning the truth in such a way that one does not learn or act upon it in words, actions, or beliefs.

الشرح المختصر :

"Kufr al-ibā’ wa al-istikbār" (disbelief out of defiance and arrogance) is a type of major disbelief. Indeed, belief consists of words and actions, and the religion includes reports and commands. So one believes in the reports in his heart and acts on the commands. One is not a believer unless one combines belief and action. Non-compliance smacks of arrogance, even though one believes in the heart. For example, Satan, Fir‘awn (the Pharaoh), and the Jews knew the truth, but they did not follow it. So one is guilty of "kufr al-ibā’ wa al-istikbār" in the following cases: dismissing the Prophet's call by saying: "I will not follow him," turning away from the truth, not listening to it, or rejecting the call in the heart even after listening to it.