Allah (الله)

Allah (الله)


التعريف :

The worshipped God to whom Godhead belongs and all creation submit in worship. He has all the attributes of Godhead, which are the attributes of perfection. Some scholars said that Allah is God’s greatest name.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

The name of the Divine Essence that encompasses all the attributes of perfection, majesty, and beauty and Who is the only deity worthy of worship, apart from any other entity.

الشرح المختصر :

"Allah" is one of the Beautiful Names of Allah, the Almighty; it encompasses all the meanings of His Beautiful Names and indicates them all. "Allah" means the deity Who is truly entitled to be worshiped. The creatures deify Him and worship Him out of love, glorification, submission, and fear. This necessitates the perfection of His Lordship and Mercy. Such perfection of His Divinity, Lordship, and Mercy imply all the attributes of Perfection, as it is impossible to establish such perfection to one who is not Ever-Living, All-Hearing, All-Seeing, the Generous, and the Executor of whatever He wills. Hence, the name "Allah" encompasses two inseparable grand meanings: 1. He is the God Who possesses all the attributes of Perfection, Majesty, and Beauty. 2. He is the worshiped deity, and none other than Him deserves to be worshiped.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Allah": the worshiped One. It is a singular term that has no plural. Derived from "ilāh", which means god or deity. Original meaning of "ta’alluh": worshiping. Allah is called an "ilāh" because He is worshiped.