mukhaḍram (المُخَضْرَم)

mukhaḍram (المُخَضْرَم)


التعريف :

- a description of a narrator who was alive in pre-Islamic days and during the prophet’s lifetime but did not meet him. Such a person is considered among the senior tābiꜤīn, whether known to have embraced Islam during the prophet’s lifetime, such as Negus, or not. Among such Mukhaḍrams are Abu ꜤUthmān al-Nahdī and Abu RāfiꜤ al-Ṣāʾigh.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Whoever lived before and after the coming of Islam and became a Muslim but did not see the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.

الشرح المختصر :

"Mukhadram" (one living before and after Islam without seeing the Prophet) is one of those who belong to the class that falls between the Companions and the Tābi‘is (generation following that of the Companions), whether old or young. They lived before and after the advent of Islam. They became Muslims but did not meet or see the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. Some Hadith scholars listed up to twenty persons as "mukhadram".

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Mukhadram": cut off. It is derived from "khadramah", which means making something midway between two things; thus, the one who lived before Islam and after it is called "mukhadram" for having lived between two periods.