آداب وأحكام السفر
Jābir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) decided to embark on an expedition, so he said: "O group of Muhājirūn and Ansār, there are among you such people who have no property and no kinsfolk. So let each one of you take along with him two or three men, for none of us has a spare animal and we ride by turns." So I took two or three men with me and I rode my camel by turns with them.  
عن جابر -رضي الله عنه- عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: أنه أراد أن يغزو، فقال: «يا معشر المهاجرين والأنصار، إن من إخوانكم قومًا ليس لهم مال، ولا عشيرة، فلْيَضُمَّ أحدكم إليه الرَّجُلَيْنِ أو الثلاثة، فما لأحدنا مِن ظَهْر يَحْمِلُه إلا عُقْبَة كعُقْبَة». يعني: أحدهم، قال: فضَمَمْتُ إليَّ اثنين أو ثلاثة ما لي إلا عُقْبَة كعُقْبَة أحدهم من جَمَلي.

شرح الحديث :

The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) ordered his Companions (may Allah be pleased with him) that every two or three men should alternate riding one camel so that all of them would be equal. In other words, they would take turns in riding instead of having some of them ride while the others walk due to the shortage of camels.  

ترجمة نص هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية