
عبارات مقترحة:


(الحمد) في اللغة هو الثناء، والفرقُ بينه وبين (الشكر): أن (الحمد)...


(الإله) اسمٌ من أسماء الله تعالى؛ يعني استحقاقَه جل وعلا...


كلمة (الوهاب) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعّال) مشتق من الفعل...

Mirdās al-Aslami (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Righteous people will go (die) one after another. Meanwhile, the dregs of people, like waste barley or dates, will remain. Allah will not raise them in esteem."

شرح الحديث :

The noble Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) informs us that at the end of times, Allah will take the souls of righteous people; while other people will survive whom Allah will not raise in status or value, nor will have mercy upon them. Indeed, they are the most wicked creatures in His sight. The Hour will occur while they are alive.

ترجمة هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية