
عبارات مقترحة:


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Belief in the Last Day
(إيمان باليوم الآخر)

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

Firm belief in the occurrence of everything that Allah and His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, informed us to happen after death and the signs that will occur before the advent of the Hour.

الشرح المختصر

Belief in the Last Day is one of the greatest pillars of faith in Islam. It is one of the fundamentals that the creation, affairs, happiness and success depend upon. There is no way to know about it except through the Messengers, because the human mind cannot reach or understand its details. It was called ‘The Last Day’ because of its occurrence after this world. It has also been said that it was called so because there is no day after it. It has many names such as: ‘Yawm-ul-Qiyaamah’, ‘Yawm-ul-Hisaab’, ‘Yawm-ud -Deen’ (Day of Resurrection, Day of Reckoning, Day of Judgment) and other names. The believers differ in terms of their level of faith in the Last Day. Affairs related to belief in the Last Day could be divided into two categories: 1.Death and what is related to it, such as the torment and bliss of the grave, the trial of the grave, when the angels question the dead person in his grave. 2. The Hour and what is related to it, this includes conditions and signs of the Hour that precede the Last Day, then the resurrection, which is the resurrection of the dead from their graves, then the gathering, when everyone will be gathered and driven to the place of reckoning. This is followed by the presentation and reckoning, when Allah questions His slaves of their deeds, and reminds them of such deeds, and they take their scrolls and records that the angels recorded, and weigh them on the Scale. Then reaching the ‘Hawd’ (pool), crossing the Bridge that is between Paradise and Hellfire, in addition to other affairs that are related to the Day of Judgment such as reward and punishment, Paradise and Hellfire, the intercession, and seeing Allah, etc. From the benefits of belief in the Last Day: 1. Desire and keenness to do acts of obedience hoping to obtain huge reward on that Day. 2. Fear of committing acts of disobedience, out of fear of punishment on that Day. 3. Consoling the believer for the worldly pleasures that he misses with hope for the bliss and reward of the hereafter. 4. Knowledge of Allah’s greatness and His power over all creatures, and the truthfulness of His promise to hold them accountable and reward or punish them. 5. manifestation of Allah’s wisdom, His justice and His favour upon the creatures.