Minor polytheism (شرك أصغر)

Minor polytheism (شرك أصغر)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Everything that the Shariah has forbidden, leads to polytheism, and has been called "shirk" (polytheism) in the texts, although it does not reach the degree of major polytheism.

الشرح المختصر :

"Shirk Asghar" (minor polytheism) is every sin, related to intentions, statements and actions, that has been called "shirk" by the Legislator and that does not reach the extent of worshipping others besides Allah, the Almighty. In other words, it is every deed, related to statements or actions, that has been described by the Shariah as "shirk" but that does not take one out of the fold of Islam, such as when, for instance, one swears by others than Allah, shows off, etc. "Shirk Asghar" is of two types: 1. Apparent "shirk": it is expressed in words and actions. In words, one swears by others than Allah, the Almighty, or associates others with Allah in divine will by saying: "What Allah wills and what you will." It can reach the extent of major "shirk" depending on the speaker's intention. If he intends to glorify others than Allah the way Allah, the Almighty, is glorified, then he will be committing major "shirk". In actions, one wears a ring or an amulet to remove afflictions or out of fear of the evil eye. However, believing that such things are effective in themselves constitutes major "shirk". 2. Hidden "shirk": it occurs in one's intentions and purposes, such as ostentation and showing off. For example, when one performs an act that is normally performed to bring one closer to Allah, the Almighty, whether a prayer or recitation, and performs it well to earn people's praise.