
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (سُبُّوح) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فُعُّول) من التسبيح،...


كلمة (المجيد) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من المجد، ومعناه لغةً: كرم...


كلمةُ (خَلَّاقٍ) في اللغة هي صيغةُ مبالغة من (الخَلْقِ)، وهو...

Repelling an attacker
(دَفْعُ الصَّائِل)

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

Resisting the aggressor and preventing him from assaulting one's life, honor, or property unrightfully.

الشرح المختصر

"Daf‘-us-saa’il" (resisting the aggressor) means averting the evil of an aggressor by preventing him from committing an assault and warding him off, whether he is a Muslim or non-Muslim, one whose life is protected or not, and a human being or not. One should expel the aggressor with the least violent means at first, followed by the least violent means that is more violent, and so on, whether he carried out an assault on life, honor, or property.


To repel someone who aims to attack oneself or one’s family or property, or who enters one’s home without permission.