reasoning (الرَّأْي)

reasoning (الرَّأْي)

العقيدة الثقافة والدعوة أصول الفقه

التعريف :

To believe, whether with certainty or as more likely, that a certain ruling, which is not stated in a religious text, is correct.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Reasoning and contemplation to extract the sound aspect of a matter and to reach the preponderant view regarding it based on the strongest assumption.

الشرح المختصر :

"Ra’y" (opinion/reasoning) is the process of insightful contemplation to reach the correct view regarding matters that involve conflicting evidence. The decision reached by virtue of this process of "ra’y" is also called "ra’y". There are two kinds of "ra’y": 1."Ra’y madhmoom" (dispraised opinion): it is to adopt a view that does not conform to the Sunnah in matters of creed, and to issue judgment based on assumption in religious rulings and legislation. This is done by referring to reason and giving it precedence over religious texts. This expression was used by the righteous predecessors in reference to the sects who made statements of "bid‘ah" (religious innovation), such as the Jahmites, the Khawārij, the Rafidites and others. It has become a label for everyone who refers to reason when speaking about the religion, whether giving it precedence over text or not. Among the forms of "ra’y": - Speaking about the religion based upon assumption, along with negligence in learning the texts, understanding them, and extracting the rulings therefrom. - Opinions that imply the negation of the names, attributes, and actions of the Lord based upon false standards introduced by the people of innovation and error from among the Jahmites, Mu‘tazilites, Qadarites, and others. 2. "Ra’y mahmood" (praiseworthy opinion): it is the opinion that is based upon textual proof derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Scholars used this expression in reference to the opinion of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, as well as any opinion that explains religious texts and clarifies the point of evidence within them. It also refers to all what is agreed upon by the Muslim community and transmitted from the earlier generations to the later ones.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Ra’y": opinion; derived from "ra’ā", which means holding one of two opposing views as true based upon predominant assumption. It refers to the opinion of the heart and the personal view concerning a matter. Other meanings: reason and intellect, consideration, reflection and contemplation.